Joanna grew up on Sweden’s south coast and has lived in Malmö for the past two decades. She earned her PhD in media and communication studies at KOM in 2016. Her thesis Political comedy engagement: Genre work, political identity and cultural citizenship was awarded best Swedish PhD dissertation in media and communication studies (2015-2016) by the Swedish Association of Media and Communication studies. It is currently being reworked for publication in Swedish (Studentlitteratur).
In 2017 Joanna received funding from the Wahlgrenska Foundation, for a project about public service satire and young adult audiences. The project concerns issues such as how audiences draw boundaries, define and interact with public service satire, as a form of civic engagement.
In general, Joanna’s research interests include media audiences and citizenship, humour and entertainment, as well as political and popular culture. She’s fascinated by most aspects of media and communication though, which is reflected in her teaching record. Currently her teaching concerns opinion making and formation, as well as interpersonal and group communication.
In her spare time, Joanna likes to consume as much popular culture as possible. She is currently watching a lot of classic movies, television comedy, and – of course – RuPaul’s Drag Race.