Course 7.5 credits • MKVN05
Course outline
Media and political engagement is concerned with the study of the political and non-political in social and cultural life. As democracy encounters difficulties, many citizens are turning to alternative politics and making use of media and new communication technologies. This significant impact of media on political engagement offers new modes of participation and emergent political cultures.
The course takes the themes of media and global public spheres, citizenship and democracy, civic cultures, and the political web, and critically examines these themes from a multidisciplinary perspective of media and communication and social and cultural theory. For example, the course examines how the political is embedded within culture and society, diverse ways cultural and social practices open up understanding of political engagement and disengagement, global public spheres and civic cultures.
Teaching and Assessment
The teaching consists of lectures, seminars and workshops that all students are expected to attend. Seminars involve group work related to the course literature. Workshops involve different approaches to media and political engagement, and to critically analyse the theories and ideas for understanding the political within Media and Communication Studies. Assessment is based on the following:
- a written essay related to the key literature and empirical cases as studied during the course. The essay should be between 2000 -2500 words for 7.5 credits and 5000-6000 words for 15 credits.
- an oral presentation based on course literature for seminars.
- group based practical assignments for seminars and workshops.
- active participation in the lectures, seminars and workshops.
Study period:
autumn semester 2014
Type of studies:
full time,
Study period:
2014-09-01 – 2014-09-30
Language of instruction:
Application code:
At least 150 credits (five terms), including a Bachelor s degree essay in one discipline in the Social Sciences and Humanities, or another equivalent educational background. English 6/English Course B
Introductory meeting: Tuesday, 2 September at 10.00 – 12.00 in SOL:A129b
Peter Dahlgren,
Annette Hill,
Tobias Olsson