Staff pages

Staff meetings, spring semester 2024

Staff meetings with breakfast are held every second Monday.
09:00 in room SOLA 158

15 January
29 January
12 February
26 February
11 March
25 March
8 April
22 April
6 May
20 May
3 June

Department Board Meetings 2024

kl 09:15-12:00 in room SOLA158

25 januari
4 mars
18 april
16 maj
13 juni
22 augusti
26 september
31 oktober
28 november
12 december

Admin meetings

Rooms announced with call. Meetings are always between 10-11. Includes department head, directors of study, academic advisors and administrator.

Department board 2024-2026

Board chair
Tobias Linné

Board members
Helena Sandberg
Joanna Doona
Michel Bossetta
Anders Sigrell
Sara Santesson

Teacher rep substitutes
Deniz Duru
Emil Stiernholm

Additional regular meetings

  • Supervisory committee
  • Subject meetings in journalism
  • Subject meetings in media and communication studies
  • Subject meetings in rhetoric
  • Subject meetings in media history
Page Manager: michael.rubsamenkom.luse | 2024-06-27