Giulia Masciavé

Giulia came from Italy and graduated from the MSc programme in 2019. She is currently working as a Learning Lead at Amazon ATS in the UK, after doing her internship at Amazon during her time at the programme.
Lund "challenged me to be a better thinker, human being, colleague, friend"
Giulia remembers her time in Lund fondly, after spending two years here, "It nourished me, it challenged me to be a better thinker, human being, colleague, friend. If I look back at what I accomplished at Lund, I feel emotional as well as proud of how I invested my time qualitatively."
She chose the programme and Lund University because she read about "the importance given to research projects, seminars and learning activities but also to those small things like having a very informal chat with a lecturer or taking part to the local life and its traditions".
Advice for current and future students
Giulia recommends focussing on developing oneself, "to always challenge yourself by raising the expectations bar you have for your future. There is nothing wrong in being an over-achiever as long as you can be yourself every time".
Giulia’s master thesis
Giulia was among the graduates of 2019 who is going to be published in the department’s book series MSc Excellent Dissertations. Every year the department chooses the top theses to be published in a slightly edited version in the book series. Prospective and current students are recommended to have a look at the series, to gain a better perspective of what kind of work is valued here. Giulia tells us about how her thesis dealt with the representation of men who commit femicide in Italian mainstream press. She describes the support she got from her supervisor during the process of writing a master thesis as important, "it helped you to not panic but instead put into use all the advices and conversations had during those meetings." She connects back to her previous experiences before she came to Lund: "It was the first time I was doing solo research and I loved every minute of it because I understood I was actually made for investigating the subject I chose, and day by day made me confident on the methods I picked for my thesis."
The future
Giulia’s current work at Amazon entails training others. "Now I am a fresh Learning Lead at Amazon ATS in the UK. I train new starters as well as already settled workers on all the logistical procedures needed for their frontline operational job. I also developed training digital content and audit processes for the teams to monitor and evaluate the working environment and their learning experiences." In the future, she is planning to continue to do research: "I am planning to apply for a doctoral programme with a focus on news media, discourse and gender representations, although I am still puzzled as to where to apply for one."