School Office

Welcome to the School Office at the Department of Communication and Media in Lund! You can find me on the ground floor of the Absalon building at the Centre for Languages and Literature (SOL).

Opening and telephone hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. - 12 a.m., and 1.30 p.m. - 3 p.m.

You are welcome to contact me through e-mail should the Office be closed; I will try to respond to your questions as soon as possible.

I am here to help you with various administrative matters, such as:

  • Registering and re-registering for a course

  • Ladok transcripts of records and certificates of registration

  • Questions on examination and exam results

  • General course information

  • Registering for a re-sit exam

  • Interruption of studies

  • General student information


Each term you are studying, you have to be registered in order for your results to be entered into Ladok, and for you to be able to receive your study allowance. There are two types of registration: first-time registration and re-registration. First-time registration is for those who take a course for the first time; re-registration is for those who want to finish a course started an earlier term. You need to re-register even if you are registered for the first time on another course. Both types of registration are only valid for one term at a time. This means that you have to register each term, even if you only have left-over exams to take.

Interruption of studies

Should you choose to discontinue your studies, you have to notify the School Office of this as soon as possible. If you report a discontinuation of studies in three weeks or less after the start of term, this will be registered as a so-called early cancellation in Ladok. If you wish to take the course at another time you have to apply via the ordinary application procedures. If you report a discontinuation of studies later during the term, you need to re-register on the course if you want to attain any remaining credits at a later time.


Exam results are posted on the notification boards in the entrance hall of the Absalon building. If you are not on the list of results you must notify the School Office of this. If you are going to take a re-sit exam, you need to notify the School Office of this by sending an e-mail stating your name, personal identity number, course and module. Ordinary exams do not require this signing up in advance. After the exam, you can collect your exam at the reception desk in the Centre for Languages and Literature entrance hall.

Contact information

Study administrator
Linda Troein
Phone: +46-46- 222 88 33

Visiting address:
Helgonabacken 12,
Absalon, Floor 1, Lund

Postal address:
Expeditionen KOM,
Box 201, 221 00 Lund

colorful papers
Photo by Andrej Lišakov on Unsplash
Page Manager: michael.rubsamenkom.luse | 2025-02-13