Nordic Conference on Research in Rhetoric, NKRF

The Nordic Conferences on Research in Rhetoric, NKRF, started in 1999 at Örebro University. The Scandinavian research journal Rhetorica Scandinavica had started two years earlier and rhetoric studies in Sweden had just started. In Denmark graduate education and a professor in Rhetoric had existed since the 70s. In Norway, the candidate training started at the middle of the decade.  Previous conferences have been held at  Södertörn University 2010, in Oslo 2006 and in Copenhagen 2003. Participants at the conference are expected from departments of rhetoric. In Sweden such departments exist in Lund, Uppsala, Örebro and Stockholm-Södertörn; in Denmark in Copenhagen, Århus and Roskilde; and in Norway at Oslo University. But the majority of conference participants tend to come from other departments. Research in rhetoric is also done in departments of Scandinavian Languages ​​and Literature, and departments teaching philology, philosophy, theology, law, economics, political science, pedagogy, drama,  history, classical languages​​, speech therapy, sociology, media and communication and psychology. It is necessary to provide opportunities for the exchange of research in all academic fields, but especially important for such a multidisciplinary subject as rhetoric. For researchers who have another primary affiliation than rhetoric it is very stimulating to meet and exchange ideas with other researchers in rhetoric. Rhetoric as an academic field has expanded greatly in Scandinavia in recent years; both with regard to new teachers and PhD candidates. It is especially important for graduate students to meet senior researchers and to have an opportunity to present research. It is also important for graduate students to meet graduate students from other departments. Immediately before the conference, there will be a graduate level course with one of the key-note speakers, Ekaterina Haskins, Department of Communication and Media Rensselaer Potytechnique Institute NY. The theme of the conference is Rhetoric and learning – knowledge, education and responsibility. Rhetoric as a subject in schools has received increased attention in policy documents for education in the Scandinavian countries. It is important to stimulate research that can help improve the teaching of rhetoric - at all levels, from kindergarten to university, and not the least in the working life. During a long history rhetoric has been a central topic in education for a civilized society. This is a history well worth to be remembered. The theme also highlights the connection between rhetoric and criticism. Language influences our thoughts and actions. Our perception of reality is influenced by our choice of words. Rhetorical criticism provides tools to examine, analyze and evaluate communication, both in the private and in the public spheres. Rhetorical criticism reveals norms and power structures reflected in our communicative actions. This aspect is reflected in the thema as responsibility. Free speech is a human right, but rights come with obligations. We have a responsibility for what we do with language - and what language does to us. Presentations without a clear connection to the selected theme are also welcome! Deadline for registration with a presentation is January 31, 2014 (abstract 200 words). Notification of admission will be distributed in March 2014. Deadline for registration without presentation is September 1, 2014. The conference fee is 2000 SEK for senior researchers, and 1000 SEK for graduate students (to be paid no later than September 1). Deadline for registration for graduate course with Ekaterina Haskins is also September 1. Additional information Professor Michael Billig has cancelled his keynote address due to health reasons. Instead, Professor Cheryl Glenn of Penn State University will deliver a keynote address.
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