
HAIDI team members awarded at the Nordic Congress of Gerontology in Stockholm

12-14 June 2024

two persons standing on either side of a poster.

The Finnish team members Hanna Varjakoski and Elisa Tiilikainen participated in the Nordic Congress of Gerontology which was held at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. The three-day congress brought together scholars working with ageing research across disciplines. Results from our HAIDI-project were presented in a poster tour session "Internet and technology use". Out of over 400 posters presented at the congress Hanna and Elisa's poster was awarded with one of four poster prizes in the category of social sciences. Encouraging and motivating recognition for the whole team!

Meeting and workshop in Finland

13-15 March 2024

The HAIDI team having a workshop.

Elisa Tiilikainen and Hanna Varjakoski arranged a two-day meeting for the HAIDI team at the VanajanLinna hotel outside Helsinki. Ongoing article ideas and data analysis were presented, in addition, the upcoming research stay in Koupio for the postdoc researchers and the autumn mid-term evaluation were discussed.

Research collaboration and visit in Lund

22-26 January 2024

A picture of Anette Grønning, Fredrika Thelandersson and Helena Sandberg.

In January (22-26) Anette Grønning, University of Southern Denmark, visited MKV and members of the HAIDI-team at Lund University, Helena Sandberg and Fredrika Thelandersson.

The purpose of the visit was to collaborate on an upcoming article for the International Journal of Press and Politics.

The article will investigate the news coverage in Denmark, Finland and Sweden on ageing, health, and digitalisation, in approx 15 news outlets during a period of five years (2017-2022).

More info to come!

HAIDI participated in the CASE-day

25 october 2023

Fredrika Thelandersson and Helena Sandberg.

CASE (Centre for Ageing and Supportive Environments) is a research centre at Lund University that works to develop knowledge on ageing and health. Helena Sandberg and Fredrika Thelandersson participated in their annual popular scientific conference to talk about the ongoing research within HAIDI.

Find more information about the CASE-day here

Photo: Lill Eriksson


HAIDI participated in Hässleholm's "digital citizen-week"

11 october 2023

Helena and Fredrika giving a talk at Hässleholm's culture house.

Helena Sandberg and Fredrika Thelandersson gave a talk to the public about their research project in the lecture "Jag ringer alltid - äldres digitala delaktighet i hälsa" ("I always call - seniors' digital participation in health") at Hässleholm's culture house. The lecture was a part of the municipality's "digital citizen-week" which focuses on digital participation and the public's interaction with digital public services.

Find more information about the lecture in Hässleholm's event calendar

Post-doc mobility visits

Lund, September 2023

Fredrika, Helena, Amalie and Hanna at a restaurant in Lund.

HAIDI's Danish and Finnish postdocs visited Lund University during September 2023 as a part of HAIDI's mobility program. Amalie Søgaard Nielsen and Hanna Varjakoski spent the month in Lund, where they worked closely with postdoc Fredrika Thelandersson and professor Helena Sandberg on coding and analysis of data. 

Amalie, Hanna and Fredrika also presented earlier and ongoing research at the department's KOM seminar September 27. 

NordMedia Conference, Panel Presentation
August 17, 2023

View of the harbor in Bergen, Norway.

The HAIDI-team traveled to Bergen, Norway for the NordMedia Conference, where we presented some early results from the project on the panel “Healthy ageing and digital technologies: promises and pitfalls” as part of the TWG “Media, Communication, and Health.”

The Swedish team discussed the creative ways seniors navigate increased digitalization of public services; the Finnish researchers shared findings from their interviews with urban-dwelling older Finns; and the Danish contingent talked about the role of autonomy in the contact with healthcare services, from a nursing home perspective.

Päivi Rasi-Heikkinen from University of Lapland also joined the panel to present her research on the use of robotics in health care for seniors.

Odense meeting and workshop

June 21-22 

HAIDI group

HAIDI team members from Denmark, Finland and Sweden, convened at the Grand Hotel in Odense for a two-day meeting hosted by Anette Grønning and Amalie Søgaard Nielsen, SDU.

The team discussed communication plans, ongoing empirical work and data analysis, as well as key ideas related to media coverage of old age, relational aspects of the appropriation of digital technology, ageism in health care and its implications, "successful ageing", the meaning of self management for older adults, and autonomy for older adults living at home and in nursing homes.


Elderly hand

Early spring this year, Anette Grønning and Helena Sandberg were invited to the Baltic Symposium ”Digital Health – interdisciplinary perspectives on trends and attitudes in the Baltic Sea region”, March 16-17 2023. Anette Grønning, Southern University of Odense (SDU) made a talk at the symposium on Digital consultations in Denmark. E-mail to the general practitioner and presented the HAIDI-project to the audience.

Future Challenges in the Nordics Kick-Off Seminar at Hanaholmen, Helsinki

22-23 September, 2022

Helsinki meeting

Future Challenges in the Nordics Kick-Off Seminar at Hanaholmen, Helsinki. 22-23 September, 2022.

Future Challenges in the Nordics Kickoff the Lodge

Lund August 25-26, 2022

Conference meeting
Page Manager: michael.rubsamenkom.luse | 2024-06-20