Research Projects
At MKV in Lund, projects are funded by organisations such as The Swedish Research Council (VR), Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ), FORTE, The Wallenberg Foundation, The Swedish Institute (SI), and the EU. We are part of networks and collaborative projects in the Nordic countries, Europe and worldwide. Researchers work with public service and commercial media, policy and production sectors, and NGOs.
We are involved in a diversity of projects, networks and symposia, funded by 22 different bodies, ranging from big grants with high academic, industry and societal value (e.g. VR, RJ, Wallenberg, FORTE, Swedish Education Broadcasting) to small grants with big academic impact in our research culture (e.g. Wahlgrenska Foundation, University of Denver).
Project Highlights
- Ung teknik, äldres vardag FORTE funded project (3.5 million SEK), 2015-2018, Professor Tobias Olsson project leader, in collaboration with Linnaeus University. This project researched domestication of digital technologies and elderly citizens. From this project arose 5 journal articles and further research on elderly citizens and digital spheres.
- Media Experiences, a Marcus and Marianne Wallenberg funded project (6.3 million SEK), 2013-2016 Professor Annette Hill project leader. This project was an academic-industry collaboration between Lund University and Endemol Shine. From this project arose 1 research monograph publication (Hill, Routledge 2018, translated into Italian 2019); 6 industry reports, 9 peer reviewed journal articles, 8 book chapters in peer reviewed anthologies (2016-2020), a new forthcoming monograph Roaming Audiences (Hill, Routledge 2021).
- DIGIKIDS Sweden. A Day in the Digital Lives of 0-3 Year Olds, The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) funded project (5.42 million SEK), 2019-2022, Dr. Helena Sandberg project leader, in collaboration with Malmö University and Halmstad Högskola. This project involves ethnographic research of very young children aged 0-3 years old and how digital technology informs and permeates their everyday lives.
- ‘Rumour Mining’, an RJ funded project (8.3 million SEK), 2020-2022, Dr. Mia Marie Hammarlin and Dr. Fredrik Miegel project leaders, in collaboration with Göteborg University. This is a mixed methods project on civic cultures and online rumours regarding anti-vaccination.
Ongoing and Completed Projects
- A Divided Digitalized Democracy?
- Animals as Food in the Media: Climate, Ethics and Health (Tobias Linné)
- “Är det konstigt att man blir sjuk i en värld som är galen?” (Fredrika Thelandersson)
- At the End of the World: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Apocalyptic Imaginary in the Past and Present
- CAI@LU - Children Advertising and Internet at Lund University (Helena Sandberg)
- Children, advertising, and internet (Helena Sandberg)
- Creativity, Community& Resilience: Particpatory action with trans &gender diverse youth, using creative methods
- Crisis Inequalities and Social Resilience (CISR)
- Demography and democracy - Healthy Ageing in a Digital World (Helena Sandberg)
- Den sociala betydelsen av äldre skogsägares förtrogenhetskunskaper
- Digital by default? Older adult citizens and digital welfare interfaces
- Digital marknadsföring och unga konsumenter (Helena Sandberg)
- Eucross: Crossing borders making Europe
- Eurochallenge: Europe and New Global Challenges
- Faktorer som påverkar hushållens val av energiformer (Gunilla Jarlbro)
- Glyphosate in social media - a spatio-temporal analysis of twitter controversies among European stakeholders
- Hemmets administration: Medieformer, praktiker och mikrogeografier
- Hot desks in cool places: coworking spaces as post-digital industry and movement
- In Search of Search and its Engines - Theme, Pufendorf IAS (Olof Sundin)
- Joking and seriousness in online public foreign politics discussion
- Kungar, sex och skandaler (Mia-Marie Hammarlin)
- Leveraging generative artificial intelligence to transform “disease systems” into health systems: a person-centered approach to support proactive aging
- Människorna bakom rubrikerna (finansierat av Wahlgrenska stiftelsen) (Mia-Marie Hammarlin)
- Mediedrevets mekanismer och aktörer (finaniserat av HT-fakulteterna/financed by the Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Lund University (Mia-Marie Hammarlin, Gunilla Jarlbro)
- ‘Meme-ing’ social resilience in Northern Ireland: exploring the everyday politics of internet memes about Belfast riots
- Mobile Media
- Mobile Socialities
- Modern Times 1936
- Nurses’ use of social media in relation to COVID-19
- On Celebrity Journalism (Michael Rübsamen)
- Political comedy, audience engagement and citizenship (Joanna Doona)
- Public service-satir och unga medborgare
- Role-playing as an alternative form of organisation - new ways of making place
- Rumour Mining: Vaccination engagement on the internet
- Rykten, skvaller och skandaler: En studie av kungliga frillor och journalistiska arbetsmetoder (Mia-Marie Hammarlin)
- Scandalous satire
- Små barns digitala vardagsliv - A Day in the Digital Lives of 0-3 year olds (Helena Sandberg)
- Småbørnsliv i det digitaliserede samfund
- Social Movement Aesthetics: Mapping memory in the visual protest repertoires in Hong Kong
- Soundscapes of Warning
- Spaces and humans as services
- Televising Information: Audiovisual Communication of Swedish Government Agencies
- The Cult Experience: Audiences, Spaces, and Performance
- The digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children
- The Gigification of Work - Quo Vadis? - Theme, Pufendorf IAS
- The State Advertises: Visual Public Information in Sweden, 1930–1990
- Transnational Solidarity in times of Crisis
- Trygghetens variationer (finansierat av Försäkringskassan/financed by the Swedish NHS) (Jonas Frykman)
- Work and Organization in the digital age (Magnus Andersson)
- Work and Organization in the Digital Age (Magnus Andersson)
- Workaway: researching new forms of mobilities