Postgraduate Education

The Department of Communication and Media provides doctoral education in three subjects:

  • Media and Communication Studies (Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Media History (Faculty of Humanities and Theology)
  • Rhetoric (Faculty of Humanities and Theology)

The Doctoral education comprises 240 higher education credits (equivalent to 4 years of full-time study), divided between a course module and a thesis module. The education concludes with the doctoral student defending her/his printed thesis at a public disputation.

The Licentiate education consists of 2 years of full-time study (120 higher education credits), and is made up of a thesis module and a course module. 

The Doctoral education takes place in accordance with an education plan established by each respective Faculty. Each doctoral student follows an individual study plan which they themselves have created together with their supervisors, and which has to be approved by the Head of Studies. The study plan is revised once a year.

Responsible for the Doctoral education at the Department of Communication and Media are the Head of Department, and the Assistant Head of Department with special responsibility for research and Doctoral Education. You are very welcome to contact us if you are interested in our Doctoral education, or would like to discuss particular research projects and -ideas.


Contact Information

Director of Studies
Mia-Marie Hammarlin
Phone: +46-46–222 01 16

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