Affiliated Projects and Research Partners

LUCASN co-sponsors and houses the journal Politics and Animals. Politics and Animals is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that explores the human-animal relationship from the vantage point of political science and political theory. It hosts international, multidisciplinary research and debate — conceptual and empirical — on the consequences and possibilities that human-animal relations have for politics and vice versa.
One of the Network’s primary functions is to serve as an interdisciplinary hub for scholars and students dedicated to working with critical animal studies. International networking and research is a significant part of promoting the field, and will be aided by hosting meetings, workshops and outreach activities both within and outside the academic community. Currently, LUCASN has formal connections to several centers for research and education in the fields of human-animal studies and critical animal studies.

Vethos is a politically and religiously independent institute engaged in animal advocacy from a veterinary, ethological and ethical perspective. The institute consists of veterinarians and animal behaviourists, who wants to work for a change in society's attitude to and treatment of other animals. As veterinarians and animal behaviourists, the people behind Vethos have extensive knowledge of animal behaviours and needs, knowing that what unites human beings and other animals is more than what divides us. However, this knowledge is often ignored in society, and  animals are treated as if they had no feelings and/or will. Individuals, businesses and organizations that use animals are too often allowed to go unchallenged, and there is a lack of a voice to defend the interests of animals from a veterinary and ethological perspective. With their knowledge and expertise, Vethos wants to be that voice.

APPLE (Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law, and Ethics) - Queen’s University, Canada
APPLE is housed at the University of Queen’s Philosophy department and is the home for scholars focused on the ethical, legal and political dimensions of human-animal relationships. APPLE’S goal is to help bring ‘the animal question’ into the mainstream of academic research and public debate in Canada, focusing in particular on the moral, legal and political dimensions of how human-animal relations are governed.


Edge Hill Centre for Human Animal Studies (CfHAS) - Edge Hill University, UK
The Centre for Human Animal Studies (CfHAS) is an interdisciplinary forum for research and activities that engage with the complex material, ethical and symbolic relationships between humans and other animals. CfHAS brings together scholars from the arts and humanities, social sciences and natural sciences to examine how rethinking our relations with animals can create meaningful social, policy, environmental, ethical and cultural change. CfHAS promotes interdisciplinary research that challenges anthropocentric (human-centred) thinking and approaches and recognises the interests of animals.


UPF-Center for Animal Ethics - Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona, Spain
UPF-CAE is a think-tank based at Pompeu Fabra University which focuses on animal ethics from multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. Its mission is to promote non-speciesist ethical approaches in academia, politics, media and public opinion. It aims to: disseminate and promote research grounded on animal ethics; advise civil society groups and organizations; influence political decision-making.


New Zealand Centre for Human Animal Studies - University of Canterbury, New Zealand
The New Zealand Centre for Human-Animal Studies (NZCHAS) brings together scholars from the humanities and social sciences whose research is concerned with the conceptual and material treatment of nonhuman animals in culture, society and history. The Centre includes members from many disciplines at the University of Canterbury, and associates from throughout New Zealand who have expertise in cultural studies, literary studies, political science, sociology, architecture, the visual arts and Māori studies. Our international associates include many of scholars recognised as world leaders in human-animal studies, and the Centre has links with the primary overseas institutions and networks in this field. 


Contact Information

Email: tobias.linnekom.luse


Facebook: @LundUniversityCASNetwork

Twitter: @LundUniCAS

Sidansvarig: michael.rubsamenkom.luse | 2022-05-10