
8.45am Registration and Coffee
9.00am Introduction and Welcome Annette Hill (Lund University, Sweden)
9.15am Keynote Panel
Stephen Coleman, Leeds University, UK – The beating heart of the rational voter
John Corner, Leeds University, UK - Truly, madly, deeply? The discourses of ‘amateur’ cultural review 10.30am Pre-consituted Panel: Communities of Passion? Magnus Andersson, Malmö University, Sweden - Mediatized football fandom and the smooth movements between online and offline arenas Stina Bengtsson, Södertörn University, Sweden - The mermaid as taxpayer: new media as sites of passion and everyday life Tobias Olsson, Lund University, Sweden - A community of passionate runners, or a space for prosumer commodification? as a social medium Anna Lund, Linnaeus University, Sweden - Passion for digital horses 12.00pm Lunch 1.00pm Open Parallel Panels Selected presentations from open call for papers in parallel panels 3.00pm Coffee 3.30pm Pre-Constituted Panel: Subjectivity and Audiences
Chair: Gavan Titley Mervi Pantti, Helsinki University, Finland - Grassroots compassion in a complex media ecology Peter Dahlgren, Lund University Sweden - Passion vs. irony in late modern mediated politics: shifting subjectivities in mainstream online blogs Göran Bolin, Södertörn University, Sweden - Passion, nostalgia and generational experience Annette Hill, Lund University Sweden – Passion play and media audiences 5pm Keynote Panel Joke Hermes, Inholland University, Netherlands – A little less passionate please. Worrying moments when researching the requirements for quality news among urban youth Gavan Titley, National University of Ireland - From hate to facticity: researching digital racism in a post-racial era 6.15pm Roundtable Discussion Stephen Coleman, Annette Hill, Peter Dahlgren, Joke Hermes, Gavan Titley. Chair John Corner 6.45pm Reception and Conference Dinner
John Corner, Leeds University, UK - Truly, madly, deeply? The discourses of ‘amateur’ cultural review 10.30am Pre-consituted Panel: Communities of Passion? Magnus Andersson, Malmö University, Sweden - Mediatized football fandom and the smooth movements between online and offline arenas Stina Bengtsson, Södertörn University, Sweden - The mermaid as taxpayer: new media as sites of passion and everyday life Tobias Olsson, Lund University, Sweden - A community of passionate runners, or a space for prosumer commodification? as a social medium Anna Lund, Linnaeus University, Sweden - Passion for digital horses 12.00pm Lunch 1.00pm Open Parallel Panels Selected presentations from open call for papers in parallel panels 3.00pm Coffee 3.30pm Pre-Constituted Panel: Subjectivity and Audiences
Chair: Gavan Titley Mervi Pantti, Helsinki University, Finland - Grassroots compassion in a complex media ecology Peter Dahlgren, Lund University Sweden - Passion vs. irony in late modern mediated politics: shifting subjectivities in mainstream online blogs Göran Bolin, Södertörn University, Sweden - Passion, nostalgia and generational experience Annette Hill, Lund University Sweden – Passion play and media audiences 5pm Keynote Panel Joke Hermes, Inholland University, Netherlands – A little less passionate please. Worrying moments when researching the requirements for quality news among urban youth Gavan Titley, National University of Ireland - From hate to facticity: researching digital racism in a post-racial era 6.15pm Roundtable Discussion Stephen Coleman, Annette Hill, Peter Dahlgren, Joke Hermes, Gavan Titley. Chair John Corner 6.45pm Reception and Conference Dinner