We regularly publish our research with international publishers such as Routledge, Sage, Polity, and Cambridge University Press. During 2014-2018 we have published over 100 peer reviewed outputs, which included 5 books (3 single authored research monographs), 10 edited collections (books and special issues of journals), 3 doctoral theses, 8 reports, 69 book chapters (national/international collections), and 30 peer reviewed journal articles, e.g. European Journal of Communication, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Javnost, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, New Media and Society. We place a premium on research monographs, edited collections, book chapters in anthologies, and journal articles. We value single authored and co-authored works that make theoretical and empirical contributions in the field, connecting with the LU Strategy of promoting high quality research.
Publication Highlights
- 2014: 4 peer reviewed journal articles, 1 edited collection Reclaiming the Public Sphere (Askanius, Macmillan), and 1 textbook Kvinnor och Män i Offentlighetens ljus (Jarlbro and Hammarlin, Studentlitteratur);
- 2015: 7 peer reviewed journal articles, 2 single authored research monographs, including Reality TV (Hill, Routledge), 1 edited collection;
- 2016: 7 peer reviewed journal articles, 2 doctoral theses (Doona, monograph; Holmberg, compilation), 1 anthology, 1 edited collection;
- 2017: 6 peer reviewed journal articles, 1 doctoral thesis (Martinez, compilation), 2 edited collections, including MKV textbook Sociala medier – vetenskapliga perspektiv (ed. Olsson, Gleerups);
- 2018: 6 peer reviewed journal articles, 1 single authored book monograph Media Experiences (Hill, Routledge), 1 edited collection, and 16 book chapters;
- 2019-20: over 10 journal articles/book chapters in international journals and edited collections, 1 book monograph Exposed: Living with Scandal Rumour and Gossip (Hammarlin, Manchester University Press), and 3 special journal issues on themes of Fear (European Journal of Cultural Studies), Transgression (International Journal of Cultural Studies), and Media Freedom (Javnost).
Select Publications
Complete List of Publications
Artiklar (sida 1 av 6)
- Boulianne, S., Hoffman, C. & Bossetta, M. (2024). Social media platforms for politics : A comparison of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Snapchat, and WhatsApp. New Media & Society, 1-32. SAGE Publications.
- Gautier, S., Hammarlin, M.-M., Paulik, E., Montagni, I., Mueller, J. E., Vaux, S., Luyt, D., Hausman, B. L., Bosman, A., Dinh, A., Josseran, L., Bennet, L. & Delarocque-Astagneau, E. (2024). New pedagogical tools for vaccine education : preparing future healthcare workers for the next pandemic. BMC Medical Education, 24. BioMed Central (BMC).
- Hammarlin, M. M. & Dellson, P. (2024). A Dialogue about Vaccine Side Effects : Understanding Difficult Pandemic Experiences. Journal of Medical Humanities. Springer.
- Hammarlin, M.-M. (2024). Interdisciplinary Labor : Researchers' Bodies at Work. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12, 67-72.
- Johansson, M. & Rübsamen, M. (2024). Without morals in a moral world : The expanding moral circle of The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. Frontiers in Communication, 9. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Lundqvist, M. (2024). A gathering with fire : Exploring the audience reception of internet memes about Belfast riots. Media, Culture and Society, 46, 706-724. SAGE Publications.
- Sandberg, H., Sjöberg, U. & Sundin, E. (2024). Parental Voices on Screen Time Guidelines in Early Childhood : Time to Rethink and Revise Recommendations and Policy?. Barn: forskning om barn og barndom i Norden, 42, 1-16. Norsk senter for barneforskning.
- Stjernholm, E. (2024). Authorship, activism and creative struggles : Peter Watkins’ The Journey revisited. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 14, 143-161. Intellect Ltd..
- Bossetta, M. & Schmøkel, R. (2023). Cross-Platform Emotions and Audience Engagement in Social Media Political Campaigning : Comparing Candidates’ Facebook and Instagram Images in the 2020 US Election. Political Communication, 40, 48-68. Taylor & Francis.
- Bossetta, M., Dutceac Segesten, A. & Bonacci, D. (2023). Reconceptualizing Cross-Cutting Political Expression on Social Media : A Case Study of Facebook Comments During the 2016 Brexit Referendum. Political Communication, 40, 719-741. Taylor & Francis.
- Grønning, A. & Sandberg, H. (2023). The entanglements of media and health in everyday life. Mediekultur. Journal of Media and Communication Research, 39, 1-9. Published by SMID Society of Media researchers In Denmark
- Gusic, I. & Lundqvist, M. (2023). “Meme-Ing” Peace in Northern Ireland : Exploring the Everyday Politics of Internet Memes in Belfast Riots. International Journal of Communication, 17, 6312-6334. USC Annenberg Press.
- Hammarlin, M.-M., Borin, L. & Kokkinakis, D. (2023). Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy : A mixed methods investigation of matters of life and death. Journal of Digital Social Research, 5, 31-61. DIGSUM.
- Lundqvist, M. (2023). Fear and posting in Nepal : countering spectacles of fear through everyday social media practices. Continuum, 37, 507-521. Routledge.
- Bruhn, T. & Doona, J. (2022). Serious Grappling with Satire : Rhetorical Genre Affordances and Invitations to Participation in Public Controversy. Javnost, 29, 284-300. European Inst Communication Culture.
- De Wilde, P., Rasch, A. & Bossetta, M. (2022). Analyzing Citizen Engagement With European Politics on Social Media. Politics and Governance, 10, 90-96. Cogitatio Press.
- Dutceac Segesten, A., Bossetta, M., Holmberg, N. & Niehorster, D. C. (2022). The Cueing Power of Comments on Social Media : How Disagreement in Facebook Comments Affects User Engagement with News. Information, Communication & Society, 25, 1115-1134. Taylor & Francis.
- Freelon, D., Bossetta, M., Wells, C., Lukito, J., Xia, Y. & Adams, K. (2022). Black trolls matter : Racial and ideological asymmetries in social media disinformation. Social Science Computer Review, 40, 560-578. SAGE Publications.
- Glasdam, S., Sandberg, H., Stjernswärd, S., Jacobsen, F. F., Grønning, A. H. & Hybholt, L. (2022). Nurses’ use of social media during the COVID-19 pandemic—A scoping review. PLoS ONE, 17. Public Library of Science (PLoS).
- Hammarlin, M.-M. (2022). "This is home" : Vaccination hesitancy and the meaning of place. Ethnologia Scandinavica, 52, 202-220. Folklivsarkivet.
- Hill, A. & Lee, J. C. (2022). Roamers : audiences on the move across entertainment platforms in Southeast Asia. Javnost, 29, 98-114. European Inst Communication Culture.
- Mathijs, E. & Hill, A. (2022). Fugitive cult receptions of conspiracy thriller Utopia. Participations, 18, 318-334.
- Sandberg, H., Sundin, E. & Sjöberg, U. (2022). When ethnographic work turns into distant screen visits : A note on flexible inflexibility during the COVID-19 pandemic. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 23, 361-365. SAGE Publications.
- Schmøkel, R. & Bossetta, M. (2022). FBAdLibrarian and Pykognition: open science tools for the collection and emotion detection of images in Facebook political ads with computer vision. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 19, 118-128. Taylor & Francis.
- Stjernholm, E. (2022). A Clash of Ideals : The Introduction of Televised Information in Sweden, 1969–1972. Media History, 28, 425-441. Routledge.