We regularly publish our research with international publishers such as Routledge, Sage, Polity, and Cambridge University Press. During 2014-2018 we have published over 100 peer reviewed outputs, which included 5 books (3 single authored research monographs), 10 edited collections (books and special issues of journals), 3 doctoral theses, 8 reports, 69 book chapters (national/international collections), and 30 peer reviewed journal articles, e.g. European Journal of Communication, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Javnost, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, New Media and Society. We place a premium on research monographs, edited collections, book chapters in anthologies, and journal articles. We value single authored and co-authored works that make theoretical and empirical contributions in the field, connecting with the LU Strategy of promoting high quality research.
Publication Highlights
- 2014: 4 peer reviewed journal articles, 1 edited collection Reclaiming the Public Sphere (Askanius, Macmillan), and 1 textbook Kvinnor och Män i Offentlighetens ljus (Jarlbro and Hammarlin, Studentlitteratur);
- 2015: 7 peer reviewed journal articles, 2 single authored research monographs, including Reality TV (Hill, Routledge), 1 edited collection;
- 2016: 7 peer reviewed journal articles, 2 doctoral theses (Doona, monograph; Holmberg, compilation), 1 anthology, 1 edited collection;
- 2017: 6 peer reviewed journal articles, 1 doctoral thesis (Martinez, compilation), 2 edited collections, including MKV textbook Sociala medier – vetenskapliga perspektiv (ed. Olsson, Gleerups);
- 2018: 6 peer reviewed journal articles, 1 single authored book monograph Media Experiences (Hill, Routledge), 1 edited collection, and 16 book chapters;
- 2019-20: over 10 journal articles/book chapters in international journals and edited collections, 1 book monograph Exposed: Living with Scandal Rumour and Gossip (Hammarlin, Manchester University Press), and 3 special journal issues on themes of Fear (European Journal of Cultural Studies), Transgression (International Journal of Cultural Studies), and Media Freedom (Javnost).
Select Publications
Complete List of Publications
Redaktörskap (sida 1 av 2)
- Borin, L., Hammarlin, M.-M., Kokkinakis, D. & Miegel, F. (2024). (Red.) Vaccine Hesitancy in the Nordic Countries : Trust and Distrust During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Routledge.
- Bossetta, M. (2024). (Red.) Excellent MSc Dissertations 2023. Förtjänstfulla examensarbeten i MKV, 2023. Media and Communicatons Studies, Lund University.
- Cronqvist, M., Mohammadi Norén, F. & Stjernholm, E. (2024). (Red.) Media Tactics in the Long Twentieth Century. Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics. Routledge.
- R. Carreras, M., Leth-Espensen, M., Lindström, L., Linné, T., Song Lopez, G. & Yndal-Olsen, N. (2024). (Red.) Reimagining Species Relations : A Decade of Studying and Teaching Critical Animal Studies at Lund University. The Lund Critical Animal Studies Collection, 1. Lund University (Media-Tryck).
- Bossetta, M. (2023). (Red.) Excellent MSc Dissertations 2022. Förtjänstfulla examensarbeten i MKV, 2022. Media and Communicatons Studies, Lund University.
- (2022). (Red.) Analyzing Citizens' Engagement on European Politics Through Social Media. Politics and Governance, 10. Cogitatio Press.
- Bossetta, M. (2022). (Red.) Excellent MSc Dissertations 2021. Förtjänstfulla examensarbeten i MKV, 2021. Media and Communicatons Studies, Lund University.
- Norén, F., Stjernholm, E. & Thomson, C. C. (2022). (Red.) Nordic Media Histories of Propaganda and Persuasion. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Doona, J. (2021). (Red.) Excellent MSc Dissertations 2020. Förtjänsfulla examensarbeten i MKV, 2020. Media and Communicatons Studies, Lund University.
- Hill, A., Andersson, M. & Hartmann, M. (2021). (Red.) The Routledge Handbook of Mobile Socialities. Routledge.
- Duru, D. (2020). (Red.) Excellent MSc Dissertations 2019. Förtjänstfulla examensarbeten i MKV, 2019. Media and Communication Studies, Lund University.
- Duru, D. (2019). (Red.) Excellent Msc Dissertations 2018. Förtjänstfulla examensarbeten i MKV, 2018. Media and Communicatons Studies, Lund University.
- Erlingsdottir, G. & Sandberg, H. (2019). (Red.) På tal om e-hälsa. Studentlitteratur AB.
- Schaefer, S., Andersson, M., Bjarnason, E. & Hansson, K. (2018). (Red.) Working and Organizing in the Digital Age. Pufendorfinstitutets skriftserie. The Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies, Lund University, Sweden..
- Forslid, T., Lundell, P., Ohlsson, A. & Olsson, T. (2017). (Red.) Celebritetsskapande från Strindberg till Asllani. Mediehistoriskt arkiv, 35. Mediehistoriskt arkiv, Mediehistoria Lunds universitet.
- Olsson, T. (2017). (Red.) Sociala medier - vetenskapliga perspektiv. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Tosoni, S., Carpentier, N., Murru, M. F., Kilborn, R., Kramp, L., Kunelius, R., McNicholas, A., Olsson, T. & Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, P. (2017). (Red.) Present Scenarios of Media Production and Engagement. The Researching and Teaching Communication Series. edition lumière.
- Erlingsdottir, G. & Sandberg, H. (2016). (Red.) eHealth Opportunities and Challenges : a White Paper. The Pufendorf Institute of Advanced Studies, Lund University.
- Olsson, T., Kramp, L., Carpentier, N., Hepp, A., Kilborn, R., Nieminen, H., Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, P., Tomanic Trivundza, I. & Tosoni, S. (2016). (Red.) Politics, Civil Society and Participation : Media and Communication in a Transforming Environment. Researching and Teaching Communication Book Series, 11. edition lumière.
- Kramp, L., Carpentier, N., Hepp, A., Tomanic Trivundza, I., Nieminen, H., Kunelius, R., Olsson, T. & Kilborn, R. (2015). (Red.) Journalism, Representation and the Public Sphere. edition lumière.
- Miegel, F. & Schoug, F. (2014). (Red.) Uppsatsboken. Förtjänstfulla examensarbeten i MKV 2014:1. Media and Communicatons Studies, Lund University.
- Olsson, T. (2013). (Red.) Producing the Internet: Critical Perspectives of Social Media. Nordicom.
- Tomanic Trivundza, I., Carpentier, N., Nieminen, H., Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, P., Kilborn, R., Olsson, T. & Sundin, E. (2013). (Red.) Past, Future and Change: Contemporary Analysis of Evolving Media Scapes. Researching and Teaching Communication Book Series. University of Ljubljana Press.
- Jarlbro, G. & Söderlund, M. (2012). (Red.) Reklam i nya kläder. Konsumentverket.
- Sandberg, H. (2010). (Red.) Skåne, mat och medier. Lunds universitet, Skånes Livsmedelsakademi.