Articles (page 1 of 2)
- Eddebo, J., Hietanen, M. & Johansson, M. (2024). Automatic Identification of Hate Speech : A Case-Study of alt-Right YouTube Videos. F1000Research, 13, 1-23. F1000 Research Ltd..
- Farbøl, R., Bjørnsson, I. & Cronqvist, M. (2024). Cold War Conduct : Knowledge Transfer, Psychological Defence, and Media Preparedness in Denmark Between Sweden, Norway, and NATO, 1954–1967. Scandinavian Journal of History. Routledge.
- Johansson, M. & van Waarden, B. (2024). Structural reading : Developing the method of Structural Collocation Analysis using a case study on parliamentary reporting. Historical Methods, 57, 185-198. Heldref Publications.
- Bechmann Pedersen, S. & Johansson, M. (2023). Historical GIS and Guidebooks : A Scalable Reading of Czechoslovak Tourist Attractions. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 17. Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations.
- Larsson Heidenblad, D. & Nilsson, C. (2023). Ungdomslivets finansialisering: Skapandet av en aktiekultur för och av unga i Sverige, 1985–1994. Historisk Tidsskrift, 142, 564-593. Universitetsforlaget.
- Waarden, B. v. & Johansson, M. (2023). Democracy (Not) on Display : A Structural Collocation Analysis of the Mother of All Parliaments' Reluctance to Broadcast Herself. Parliamentary Affairs, 1-32. Oxford University Press.
- Cronqvist, M. (2022). Tid för radiolyssnandets historia. Historisk Tidskrift, 142, 477-484. Svenska historiska föreningen.
- Holgersson, U. (2022). Journalistic Practices in Media Events Before Broadcasting : The Public Funeral of King Oscar II in Early Twentieth-Century Sweden. Journalism Studies, 23, 1548-1565. Taylor & Francis.
- Krispinsson, C. (2022). Striving for Close Resemblance or Creative Improvements : On Painted Copies and Workshop Replicas from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century in Swedish Art History. Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 91, 22-37. Taylor & Francis.
- Nilsson, C. (2022). The Development of Commercial Literacy: Mail-Order Catalogues and Their Use in Early Twentieth-Century Sweden. Media History, 28, 385-402. Routledge.
- van Waarden, B. (2022). ‘His Political Life Story Told in Pictures’ : The Visual Construction of the Political Persona of Joseph Chamberlain. Media History, 28, 27-59. Routledge.
- van Waarden, B. (2022). The Many Faces of Performative Politics : Satires of Statesman Bernhard von Bülow in Wilhelmine Germany. Journalism History, 48, 61-80. Taylor & Francis.
- Cronqvist, M. (2021). From socialist hero to capitalist icon : The cultural transfer of the East German children’s television programme Unser Sandmännchen to Sweden in the early 1970s. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 41, 378-393. Routledge.
- Holgersson, U. (2021). Att skriva om kvinnor efter den språkliga vändningen. Historisk Tidskrift, 141, 523-534. Svenska historiska föreningen.
- van Waarden, B. (2021). A Colonial Celebrity in the New Attention Economy : Cecil Rhodes’s Cape-to-Cairo Telegraph and Railway Negotiations in 1899. English Historical Review, 136, 1193-1223. Oxford University Press.
- van Waarden, B. (2021). The Concept of an ‘Anticelebrity’ : A new type of antihero of the media age and its impact on modern politics. Celebrity Studies. Routledge.
- Bechmann Pedersen, S. (2020). A Passport to Peace? : Modern Tourism and Internationalist Idealism. European Review, 28, 389-402. Cambridge University Press.
- Callahan, S., Hällgren, A.-M. & Krispinsson, C. (2020). A Farewell to Critique? : Reconsidering Critique as Art Historical Method. Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 89, 61-65. Taylor & Francis.
- Hilgert, C., Cronqvist, M. & Chignell, H. (2020). Introduction : ‘Tracing entanglements in media history’. Media History, 26, 1-5. Routledge.
- Saarenmaa, L. & Cronqvist, M. (2020). Cold war television diplomacy : The German Democratic Republic on Finnish television. Nordicom Review, 41, 19-31. The Nordic Information Centre for Media and Communication Research.
- Bechmann Pedersen, S. & Cronqvist, M. (2019). Foreign correspondents in the Cold War : The politics and practices of East German television journalists in the West. Media History, 26, 75-90. Routledge.
- Andersson, P. K. (2018). The walking stick in the nineteenth-century city : Conflicting ideals of urban walking. Journal of Transport History, 39, 275-291. SAGE Publications.
- Bechmann Pedersen, S. (2018). Eastbound Tourism in the Cold War : The History of the Swedish Communist Travel Agency Folkturist. Journal of Tourism History, 10, 130-145. Taylor & Francis.
- Andersson, P. (2017). Bland halfherrar och dekadansfjantar : Grilljannen som subkultur och stereotyp i 1890-talets Stockholm. RIG Kulturhistorisk Tidskrift, 100, 129-149. Föreningen för svensk kulturhistoria.
- Andersson, P. (2017). Det förflutnas minsta beståndsdelar : Narrativ mikrohistoria och historia som litteratur. Historisk Tidskrift, 137, 448-462. Svenska historiska föreningen.