New publication

Publicerad den 29 maj 2023
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A NEW publication on media health and everyday life

A Special issue on Media and health in everyday life Vol. 39 No. 74 (2023) has recently been published (Open access) by Mediekultur - Journal of Communication and Media Research; including eight contributions, and an introduction by Theme editors Helena Sandberg, Professor in Media and Communication Studies at KOM, and her Danish colleague Associate professor Anette Grønning, University of Southern Denmark


Introduction: The entanglements of media and health in everyday life

By Anette Grønning, Helena Sandberg


Data sense-making and communicative gaps on

By Martina Skrubbeltrang Mahnke, Matilde Lykkebo Petersen, Mikka Nielsen

Ageing with apps: A Foucauldian study exploring older people’s use of apps in managing their physical health

By Martin Bavngaard

#strokesurvivor on Instagram: Conjunctive experiences of adapting to disability

By Maria Schreiber

Reconfigurations of illness and masculinity on Instagram

By Mie Birk Jensen, Karen Hvidtfeldt

Datafied female health: Sociotechnical imaginaries of femtech in Danish public discourse

By Sara Dahlman, Sine N. Just, Linea Munk Petersen, Prins Marcus Valiant Lantz, Nanna Würtz Kristiansen

Genetic hauntings: Mediating pre-patienthood and haunted health on TV

By Ann-Katrine Schmidt Nielsen, Carsten Stage

The Philadelphia Syndrome, or an insurmountable cultural trauma: Outdated mainstream visual representations of HIV in times of undetectability

By Sergio Villanueva Baselga

Communicating health advice on social media: A multimodal case study

By Martin Engebretsen