We regularly publish our research with international publishers such as Routledge, Sage, Polity, and Cambridge University Press. During 2014-2018 we have published over 100 peer reviewed outputs, which included 5 books (3 single authored research monographs), 10 edited collections (books and special issues of journals), 3 doctoral theses, 8 reports, 69 book chapters (national/international collections), and 30 peer reviewed journal articles, e.g. European Journal of Communication, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Javnost, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, New Media and Society. We place a premium on research monographs, edited collections, book chapters in anthologies, and journal articles. We value single authored and co-authored works that make theoretical and empirical contributions in the field, connecting with the LU Strategy of promoting high quality research.
Publication Highlights
- 2014: 4 peer reviewed journal articles, 1 edited collection Reclaiming the Public Sphere (Askanius, Macmillan), and 1 textbook Kvinnor och Män i Offentlighetens ljus (Jarlbro and Hammarlin, Studentlitteratur);
- 2015: 7 peer reviewed journal articles, 2 single authored research monographs, including Reality TV (Hill, Routledge), 1 edited collection;
- 2016: 7 peer reviewed journal articles, 2 doctoral theses (Doona, monograph; Holmberg, compilation), 1 anthology, 1 edited collection;
- 2017: 6 peer reviewed journal articles, 1 doctoral thesis (Martinez, compilation), 2 edited collections, including MKV textbook Sociala medier – vetenskapliga perspektiv (ed. Olsson, Gleerups);
- 2018: 6 peer reviewed journal articles, 1 single authored book monograph Media Experiences (Hill, Routledge), 1 edited collection, and 16 book chapters;
- 2019-20: over 10 journal articles/book chapters in international journals and edited collections, 1 book monograph Exposed: Living with Scandal Rumour and Gossip (Hammarlin, Manchester University Press), and 3 special journal issues on themes of Fear (European Journal of Cultural Studies), Transgression (International Journal of Cultural Studies), and Media Freedom (Javnost).
Select Publications
Complete List of Publications
Book chapters (page 7 of 8)
- Jarlbro, G. (2010). Reklam riktad till barn. En harmlös företeelse eller en guldgruva?. In Carlsson, U. (Ed.) Barn och unga i den digitala mediekulturen. (pp. 49-52). Nordicom.
- Jönsson, H. & Sandberg, H. (2010). Medierade matlandskap : en introduktion. In Sandberg, H. (Ed.) Skåne, mat och medier (pp. 7-20). Lunds universitet och Skånes livsmedelsakademi.
- Sandberg, H. (2010). Media consumers, media consumption and the Nordic Mediascapes. In Ekström, K. (Ed.) Consumer behavior : A Nordic perspective. Studentlitteratur AB.
- Sandberg, H. (2010). Ärtan pärtan piff paff puff. In Sandberg, H. (Ed.) Skåne, mat och medier (pp. 75-94). Lunds universitet och Skånes livsmedelsakademi.
- Jarlbro, G. (2009). Den medialiserade kvinnorkroppen. In Erlanson- Albertsson, C. & Jarlbro, G. (Eds.) Kvinnors hälsa - fakta och myter (pp. 25-36). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Sandberg, H. (2009). Den missnöjda kvinnokroppen. In Jarlbro, G. & Erlanson-Albertsson, C. (Eds.) Kvinnors hälsa - fakta och myter (pp. 55-65). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Hill, A. (2008). Documentary Modes of Engagement. In Austen, T. & De Jong, W. (Eds.) Rethinking Documentary : New Perspectives, New Practices (pp. 217-231). Open University Press.
- Holsanova, J., Holmqvist, K. & Holmberg, N. (2008). Läsning i gamla och nya medier. In Domeij, R. (Ed.) Tekniken bakom språket (pp. 144-167), Språkrådets skrifter, 1654-0433 ; 9. Norstedts Förlag.
- Jarlbro, G. (2008). Knark är bajs. Att driva narkotikaförebyggande informationsarbete. In Sven, A. (Ed.) Narkotikan i Sverige (pp. 236-254), R2008:23. Statens Folkhälsoinstitut.
- Miegel, F. & Olsson, T. (2008). From Pirates to Politicians: The Story of the Swedish File Sharers Who Became a Political Party. In Carpentier, N., Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, P., Nordenstreng, K., Hartmann, M., Vihalemm, P., Cammaerts, B., Nieminen, H. & Olsson, T. (Eds.) Democracy, Journalism and Technology: New Developments in an Enlarged Europe (pp. 203-215). Tartu University Press.
- Sandberg, H. (2008). Nyhetens förgänglighet. In Cronqvist, M. & Sandberg, H. (Eds.) Tempo - om fart och det föränderliga (pp. 93-105). Makadam förlag.
- Sandberg, H. (2008). Universitetets frihet. In Stenström, J. (Ed.) Universitetets Frihet. Tio tankar och en dikt. (pp. 59-65). Lunds universitet, Kulturforum.
- Dahlgren, P. (2007). Civic identity and net activism: the frame of radical democracy. In Dahlberg, L. (Ed.) Radical Democracy and the Internet (pp. 55-72). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Dahlgren, P. (2007). Media and the public sphere. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2906-2911. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Dahlgren, P. & Olsson, T. (2007). From public spheres to civic cultures: young citizens' internet use. In Butsch, R. (Ed.) Media and Public Spheres (pp. 198-211). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Dahlgren, P. & Olsson, T. (2007). Young activists, political horizons, and the Internet: adapting the net to one's puroses. In Loader, B. (Ed.) Young Citizens in the Digital Age: Political Engagement, Young People and New Media (pp. 68-81). Routledge.
- Jarlbro, G. (2007). Communicating the Incalculable. In Ringborg, U. (Ed.) Skin Cancer Prevention. Informa Healthcare.
- Jarlbro, G. (2007). Motsägelsefull forskning om reklam. In Johansson, B. (Ed.) Konsumera mera - dyrköpt lycka (Formas fokuserar). Formas.
- Holmqvist, K., Holmberg, N., Holsanova, J., Tärning, J. & Engwall, B. (2006). Reading Information Graphics - Eyetracking studies with Experimental Conditions. In Errea, J. (Ed.) Malofiej Yearbook of Infographics (pp. 54-61). Society for News Design (SND-E): Navarra University, Pamplona.
- Jarlbro, G. (2006). Knappt var tredje damernas. Fungerar medierna som en demokratisk mötesplats?. Att kommunicera med kvinnor. Allers förlag.
- Jarlbro, G. (2006). När larmet går. In Johansson, B. (Ed.) Giftfri miljö - utopi eller verklig chans? (Formas fokuserar). Formas.
- Sandberg, H. (2006). Familjen Smågodis, Doglass och Tigerligan. In Molnár, V., Paulsson, G. & Andersson, G. (Eds.) Årsbok, Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund. Årsbok 2006 (pp. 74-93), 2006.
- Dahlgren, P. (2005). Television, public spheres, and civic cultures. In Wasko, J. (Ed.) A Companion to Television (pp. 411-432). Wiley-Blackwell.
- Dahlgren, P. (2005). The public sphere: Linking the media and civic cultures. In Rothenbuhler, E. (Ed.) Media Anthropology (pp. 218-227). SAGE Publications.
- Dahlgren, P. & Gurevitch, M. (2005). Political communication in a changing world. In Curran, J. (Ed.) Mass Media and Society, 4th ed. (pp. 375-393). Hodder Arnold Publication.